WordPress Gutenberg Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. See all the keyboard shortcuts: Shift + Alt + H (PC) or Control + Option + H (Mac)
  2. Add a new content block: Enter + /
  3. Switch between the visual editor and the code editor: Control + Shift + Alt + M (PC) or Command + Shift + Option + M (Mac)
  4. Open the list view: Control + Alt + O (PC) or Control + Option + O (Mac)
  5. Move to the next part of the editor: Alt + Shift + N (PC) or Option + Control + N (Mac)
  6. Navigate to the previous part of the editor: Alt + Shift+ P (PC) or Option + Control + P (Mac)
  7. Navigate to the nearest toolbar: Alt + F10 (PC) or fn + Option + F10 (Mac)
  8. Save your changes: Control + S (PC) or Command + S (Mac)
  9. Undo your last changes: Control + Z (PC) or Command + Z (Mac)
  10. Select all: Control + A (PC) or Command + A (Mac)
  11. Copy a block: Control + Shift + D (PC) or Command + Shift + D (Mac)
  12. Remove a block: Alt + Shift + Z (PC) or Control + Option + Z (Mac)